Nau mai, haere mai ki PCARN
The PCARN tohu
PCARN's tohu was designed and gifted by artist John Kingi (Muaūpoko, Ngati Porou). John is Rangatahi Tu Rangatira manager at Kokiri Marae Keriana Olsen Trust.
The name John has given PCARN's tohu is Tatau Pounamu. Te tatau pounamu is the entranceway - without having a place of peace and being secure in our knowledge of why we are here and our purpose, our whare would not be strong. The tohu whakamārama below tells how the tohu reflects and guides the values, aims and kaupapa of PCARN.
Ngā mihi, John, for your mahi.

Te tihi o manono (represented by the apex of the whare), the pinnacle of excellence
Te tuanui o te whare (the roof).
Collective commitment and dedication working together, creating ripples to move towards a better way of doing things
Te tatau pounamu (the greenstone threshold), a place of peace and security
Mangai kōrero (manaia), a collective of people dedicated to the ongoing wellbeing and quality of life of those in palliative care. Strong voice and advocacy for those most vulnerable (arero sticking out)
People at the heart of decision making, their whānau, friends, community
Whare hauora/tiaki tāngata together, each mangai are committed to ‘building a house’ (metaphorically speaking) as the kaupapa develops the whare will stand strong and independently of any one individual for the benefit of the overall kaupapa.
Ira atua